Thursday, October 15, 2015

Visitors in the ES in November and December

We are welcoming Japanese Teachers from Abeno to visit the Elementary School. There will be three separate visits and each time there will be 10 teachers following lessons and learning about our facilities and organization for learning. They are particularly interested in the range of teaching practices in an international school and to see an IB PYP school in action. The visit is linked to our operational goal to build local and global connections helping us to grow and develop as a school by sharing practice and philosophy with different organizations.

Please mark the following dates into your calendars.
Tuesday, 17 November
Thursday, 26 November
Thursday, 3 December

Victoria Campbell from Abeno wrote the following as an anticipation regarding the visit:
"Canadian academy is so different from a Japanese Primary school, (No-chime,  inclusive education, the use of the library, and so on) it will surely be interesting to Japanese Primary school teachers.  And I hope this exchange will be beneficial to both your school and us."