Thursday, August 31, 2017

Early Years Math with Juanita Copley

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to join the Juanita Copley conceptual math workshop on Sunday Sept. 24. This workshop is targeted for PreK-G2 teachers but would benefit anyone who is interested in learning how the foundations of math learning are built from an early age. The concept of learning trajectories is also of significant value. Juanita's research and practice connects strongly to our CA 'Math Learning Principles' and will support our use of Bridges as a resource.

Here is the workshop agenda:

Young children love mathematics!  Participants in this workshop will:

  • identify and interact with number concepts (counting, comparing, and operating), geometry concepts (shapes and position) and measurement concepts with play-based activities ,
  • match developmental learning paths with concepts,
  • observe children in classroom settings (preK, kindergarten, first and second grade), both in video-clips  
  • discuss formative assessments and their use in early childhood classrooms, and
  • explore the use of manipulatives and games to enhance mathematical learning in their classrooms

The workshop is free for CA teachers and assistants. Please sign-up using this form so we can plan the food and the number of spaces. Prek-G2 teachers, assistant teachers and learning support teachers are particularly encouraged to join.

**She will be staying at CA from Monday to Wednesday to share her practice through labsites and her research in follow-up meeting later.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Assembly today in the main theater at 9:00

Dear colleagues,

Today's assembly will start at 9:00.
On the agenda:

Welcome from Mr. Soini
Welcoming New Students
Welcoming New Faculty
Cezars Cafe
Sun Smart
Happy School Year!

Please, check your email for the seating chart 17-18

Monday, August 28, 2017

Wednesday Professional Learning Time

Dear colleagues,

On Wednesday afternoon we will follow the schedule below:

Time               Topic                                                            Venue
14:40 - 15:10 Professional Learning at CA explained         Black Box Theater
15:15 - 15:45 Back to School Night Guidelines                  ELAC Multipurpose Room
15:45 -           Planning Back to School Night in teams       -

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Class Website Guidelines and Timelines

Dear colleagues,

This Wednesday, I will introduce our digital platforms to new parents. That will include a visit to the class websites. Can you please all update your class websites by tomorrow Tuesday evening as follows:

Group Space Overview:

- Image and a short welcome message.
- Kae-san can also help you to post your class schedule
1. Units of inquiry:
- Name of the Theme
- Central Idea
- Lines of Inquiry (parent-friendly language)
- Events or tasks that may be an interest to parents

2. Balanced Literacy:
- Essential Questions for both reading and writing
- Relevant Curriculum Benchmarks from the Units of Study
- Word Study focus if applicable

3. Mathematics
- Relevant Curriculum standards and benchmarks for each six weeks in a parent-friendly language
- Possible online resources

4. PE:
- Relevant curriculum foci for each six weeks/grade
- Required student equipment
- Rotation

5. Japanese:
- Relevant curriculum foci for each six weeks/ grade
- Resources or books that parents can use

6. Music and Art:
- Relevant curriculum foci in a parent-friendly language for each six weeks/grade
- Any resources students may use to extend learning at home for each six weeks/grade
- Rotation

Samples from class website

Back to School Night 17-18 Guidelines

Back to School Night

Purpose of the Back to School Night
Back to school night is upon us next week. We will have our school building full of curious and happy parents willing
to hear about all the amazing learning opportunities CA Elementary School has to offer daily basis. 
The purpose of the Back to School Night is to help parents to learn to know their teachers, daily routines
in the classroom, develop a sense that their children are  cared for, provide an overview of the kinds of learning is 
taking place in their classroom, and that they know their role as parents in supporting their child's learning. 
Back to School Night is a unique opportunity for us to demonstrate the core values of the school and the IB PYP.
The time is limited, so we have to be effective and succinct with our communication. Let's think about our audience,
their background, and the expectations for our event. The schedule and venues will be decided and shared shortly.

Agenda for the teachers' presentation should include at least the following:
- Introduction of all the teachers and assistants in the grade level (classroom, EAL, LS, LSA, TA)
- Overview of the daily routines for learning, school's policy on homeworkStudent Handbook 
classroom expectations for behavior (seating, movement, learning together, talking to each other,
what may social & independent learning look like, the organization of the material and equipment etc.)
- General and practical information about Units of Inquiry, language, and math programs
- Suggestions/ideas on how to best support their child at home
- When/how do the parents hear about their child's progress, ES reporting cycle
- What is their role as parents in supporting their child's learning (Dos and Don'ts)
- How to find information, classroom pages, CA websiteStudent Handbook
- Provide a handout including pertinent information shared in the presentation and post it on the class websites
- Take photos of the evening to be shared on the class website.

Presentation guidelines:
General guidelines:
- Collaborative planning and presentation to ensure a common message
- Classroom teachers decide how much time is spent together and how much separately
- All teachers should have an opportunity to speak to the whole group of parents apprx the same amount of time
- It is important to give parents the opportunity to spend time in their child's classroom even if it was 
only a few minutes in the end
- Consider, whether the students would write/draw a message to their parents and/or vice versa
- Heikki will announce changes as well as when the BTSN are over via PA system.

Suggestions for effective presentations:
- Interactive, positive, avoid lecturing
- If you use slide shows avoid text-heavy slides
- Prefer demonstrations and/or games over lengthy explanations
- Consider having a brief slideshow/video of the students/teachers in the grade level/class
- Use exit cards or similar activity to gauge Q&A
- Encourage and offer separate appointment times for individual parent questions/concerns
- If you want your parents to know more about certain areas of learning, consider providing home readings e.g.
Growth Mindset, Positive Discipline, Learning through Inquiry, Bridges, Reading & Writing, EAL acquisition.

Logistical Support
Signs will be posted in hallways
Kae, Yoshiko will help parents to navigate between the different places
BTSN schedule copied to parents

Weekly Update, Monday 28 August, 2017

Dear colleagues,
Once again, thank you for the very smooth start of the school year. Teachers and classrooms are ready, and children look happy, engaged and ready for learning. The first school Monday of the year will also launch the first whole week. This week we are heading towards more routines and practices we want both us and the students to get used to for the whole year. So the advice is to stay consistent, firm, and kind to help the children to see those patterns of routines. And, of course, keep smiling.

Some this week’s notable events include ES Parent Coffee on Wednesday morning, Back to School Night planning on Wednesday afternoon, and the first ES assembly on Thursday morning. The new faculty is introduced to all Elementary School. We will invite you to the stage and ask the following questions:
What is your name?, What do you teach?, Where are you from?, Where did you teach before coming to CA?, and finally, What is your favorite food? We finish the week with another round of listening conferences.

Again, this week we are asking you to walk your students to the cafeteria for lunch so that they are not running the stairs or in the cafeteria, go outside with your class for morning and afternoon recesses, and be vigilant to establish safe and enjoyable playtime behavior patterns as guided in the Supervision Protocol document.
Also, check-out the updated ES Student Parent Handbook for further information about school routines.

Have a great week!

Supervision:                                          Links to: Supervision Schedule 17-18    Supervision Protocol
Cafeteria Tables
/ Gym
/ Atrium
Cafeteria line
Indoor recess ELAC Gym
Aug 28
Maiko, Kaight

This week's schedule:
Afternoon - After School
Mon 28


14:15-16:30 ES Leadership Meeting
8:40-10:00 ES Parent Coffee in MPR
14:40 - 15:10 Professional Learning (BBT)
15:15 BTSN Together
15:45 BTSN in teams
9:00- 9:30 First ES Assembly of the year


13:00-16:00 G1-5 Listening Conferences
*Specialist pick up students from lunch recess outside

Professional Learning
Wednesday Professional Learning:
Sept 24-27 'Nita Copley Early Years Math Workshop - EY Teachers, assistants and all others who are interested.
Jan 27-28 HKIS Literacy Institute with Matt Glover, Kathy Collins and Peter Johnston **Sign-up info coming soon

Future Dates:
Sept 4 ES Clubs start
Sept 6 Wed. Back to School Night (BTSN)
Sept 11-15 G3-8 MAPS Baseline Testing
Sept 18 Holiday Monday
Sept 22-23 Cognitive Coaching training
Sept 24-27 'Nita Copley Early Years Math Workshop
Oct 2-4 Pia Hansen Bridges Math Workshop

Getting started with Bridges #2 - Oganization

Dear Colleagues,

This morning, you will find the manipulatives for the first five days of teaching with Bridges in your classrooms. There will also be a copy of the printable materials. If anything is missing, please let me know. Here are some other ideas to get you through the first week:

1. Growth Mindset
Many of us will be starting our math curriculum this week and setting the stage for a growth mindset in learning. Here are a few ideas we might try out as we set up our classroom culture and spaces.

Click on the posters to get to the source.
Free Poster

2. Resources and Manipulatives
There will be some manipulatives in each of your classrooms to support you in the first five sessions of Bridges. If anything is missing, please let me know.  There will also be a box of 'Vocabulary Cards' (see chart below) and a pocket chart for the mathematical terms and concepts. Use these to help create a common language for all learners. EAL teachers can also help with these if they are in to support in Maths. These are the G1 resources.

3. 'Materials' charts
When reading the 'Teacher's Guide', please note that the "Kit Materials" are provided by Bridges and will be dropped off in a timely fashion. 'Classroom Materials' are those which we need to provide for ourselves. Unifix cubes and pattern blocks are examples of this in addition to other consumables. Some preparation is also indicated.

In anything new. . .

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." -zig ziglar

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Well done and Good luck for the day 2

Dear colleagues,

Congratulations for the very successful first day of school year 17-18! All the students look excited and happy to be back at school, meet their new teachers and of course their classmates.

If you haven't done so, please check the following link to the CA Facebook page including messages and short videos about Orientation Day and First Day of School created by the CATV.

CAinspires on facebook

Good luck for the day 2 and the listening conferences!

Listening Conferences

Dear colleagues,

As you have probably heard, the listening conference booking system let us down big time and we had to reschedule most of the bookings manually. With the incredible work from Remi-san and Murray-san, we have been able to go through the whole booking system to almost 280 students.

Today, we also have organized activities for students while the parents attend the listening conferences.

Here you can find the roster and rotation for the activities:

Teachers Responsible: Teachers below are asked to come up with a 45 minute activity that can be successful with a whole grade level at a time.

Art: Toyoko and Kim in the MPR
Music: Satsuki and Rose in ELAC H&G
PE: Kaight, Trevor and Derrick, in the gym
Library/Tech: Celia and Kae in the library
Japanese: Emi and Kaho, Shunsuke in the Japanese classrooms 2nd floor
Board Games:  Kasumi and Saiko and Ava in ELAC D (STEAM LAB)

Transitions: Specialist teachers are asked to pick up the students from their classrooms at 12:55 to begin. Between sessions, one teacher will walk the class to the next session (and then return to their original room) while the other teacher stays to receive the new group. New: Homeroom teachers please make sure you are in your classrooms when students are being dropped off for dismissal by the specialists. Specialists will dismiss the students but they may need to ask the homeroom teacher a quick question about the student or logistics etc..

Library/Tech: All classes should report to the library first.
Rotation Schedule:

Aug 25th
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

Board Games
(Jpn classes)

Board Games
(Jpn classes)

Board Games
(Jpn classes)
Sept 1st
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

Board Games

(Jpn classes)

Board Games
(Jpn classes)