Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weekly Update, Monday, 4 April 2016

4 April
Dear colleagues,
Spring is here, and the beautiful Sakura is everywhere. What a wonderful time of the year to return to the classrooms. As the school year progresses, we are again energized to serve our wonderful students and their natural curiosity for learning new exciting things. We hope you enjoyed the warm weather and were able to relax, rejuvenate and take few deep breaths during the past week. We are heading towards the Student Led Conferences as well as the mighty Exhibition of grade 5. Please, check out the protocols around the conferences on Tuesday morning or through the blog. Enjoy the week!

Supervision:                                                                                           Link to Master Schedule
Cafeteria Tables
Healthy lunch guide in the cafeteria line
Not applicable at the moment

Tuesday Morning Meeting
On Tuesday at 8:00-8:20
Venue: Multipurpose room
Agenda: Reminding us all about the Student Led Conference Protocol

Exhibition Update:
Students are now entering the Making Sense Phase of the Exhibition. They have mainly collected information on their form/function question and causation/connection/change question. During the holiday, many students scheduled field trips to help with their research. Over the next two weeks they will do follow up research on their first two questions and focus on their reflection/ responsibility/perspective question in order to decide on their 'action'. Many thanks go to the specialists, homeroom teachers and mentors for their continued support of our grade five students.

Building Professional Capital:
New York Summer Reading and Writing Institutes (NOW open for registration)
SENIA Conference, 30 April at Canadian Academy

Books, Articles, Chapters, Videos

Coordinator's Meetings
  • Literacy Meetings as scheduled
  • UOI meetings: G4 Monday 8:40-10:00, KB Tues. 10:00-11:00, G2 Tues. 14:05-15:30, G1 as scheduled, G5 & Specialists Thursday 8:00-8:25
Wednesday Professional Learning and Faculty meeting time 14:35-16:30
Ohanami on Greenbelt (cancelled)
Opportunity to collaborate, plan individually or just enjoy Sakura independently

This Week 4 - 8 April 2016
Monday: Tech Talk, ESOL ES Collab Meeting
Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Meeting on Student Led Conference Protocols, ES Learning Support Team Meeting
Thursday: Heikki, Kim, and Trevor meet on Piloting Coaching in 16-17
Friday: ES Leadership Team Meeting

Future Dates:
6 April: Deadline for overseas orders
13 April: 8:30-9:40 New Parent Coffee Morning
13 April: Pre-K/KA and KB concert