Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Recess Protocols Highlights

Please read the Recess Protocols carefully to ensure that we all follow the same expectations and routines in the morning and during the recesses.

Before School
All teachers are responsible for ensuring that those students who arrive between 8:10-8:25 and bring in their bags go outside in the morning
Supervising assistants are responsible for letting students in safely.
Class lines are not necessary for grades 1-5 as long as the students walk in.

Before School on rainy days: 
Pre-K/KA - KB in Multipurpose room
Grades 1 - 5 in the ELAC Gym
Supervising assistants are responsible for ensuring that students walk from the gym to their classrooms.

Morning Recess
Please check the morning recess schedule here.
At least one teacher per grade level supervises outside.
Teachers are also responsible for ensuring that students go outside. No library option at this time.
Students are let inside the building after they have formed lines and the playground equipment is back in the shed.
Shed must be locked after the Morning Recess

Rainy day: Students stay in their classrooms and are supervised by their classroom teachers.

Lunch & Recess
Students in Grade 1 start lunch at 12:00 (As students become more skillful in collecting their food in the cafeteria the start time can move closer to 12:10)
Students in Grade 2-5 start lunch at 12:15
Recess starts at 12:25 (students can stay and finish their lunch after this)
Students are asked to line up at 12:55

Rainy day: Pre-K/KA and KB in the Multipurpose Room, Grades 1 - 3 in the ELAC Gym, Grades 4-5 in the Atrium or Library.

All classroom teachers must pick up their students from outside or gym (This is to ensure that we can follow up any conflict or emerging tension immediately and effectively)