Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekly update, Monday 16 November

Dear colleagues,
The sad and shocking news from Paris provided a negative end to the otherwise productive, successful and busy past week. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families in France. The past week, as mentioned above, was a success at CA. Both visiting teams were impressed with the students and faculty, and of course with the learning in the classrooms. The oral feedback the leadership team received was already very helpful, and we will certainly share it and include to our planning of the future of the ES. Big thank you to all the staff for your flexibility and taking the time to share your experiences and thoughts with the visiting team. Another important acknowledgment goes to Trevor and Stephen for the organization and preparation of the visit. Trevor can think clearly again and deserves recognition and congratulations for leading and successfully completing the PYP evaluation process.

Weekly reading suggestion:

Cafeteria Tables
   Link to Master schedule

Evaluation Visit Follow-up from Trevor
Thank you, everyone for your support during the visit. At the Exit Meeting, the visitors really remarked on the amount of effort and commitment we have towards our students and our community. They also noted there is a high degree of alignment between our self-study and their findings during the visit. ie. Our self-study had identified most of our needs as a school and our Action Plan noted the next steps we needed to take. The Evaluation Report is now in the hands of the IB Asia Pacific office to be reviewed and we hope to the have report returned to us before the holiday. Once we get the report, we will need to review the recommendations to adjust our action plan, as well as look at the commendations to celebrate our outstanding achievements.

Coordinator's Meetings Link to ES Team Planning Meeting Schedule
PYP Collab will follow the regular schedule. Homeroom teachers will work on UOI#3 planning. For units linked with specialists, check the POI-SST Linked Unit doc.
Literacy Meetings as scheduled.

ESOL Department
There will be an ESOL collaboration meeting on Monday.
The ESOL Full Department meeting will be Wednesday morning at 8:00 S301

Reading/Writing Workshop Orientation
3:45 (S201) new teachers to workshop meet to reflect on conferring and mini-lessons

Parent Coffee Morning
8:30-9:30 in the ELAC MPR
Topic: How to support your child at home in general (Growth MIndset)  and particularly in literacy and how do we support all students at school.

PD and Faculty meeting time                    
14:40-15:30 What are the conditions that foster creativity?
  • focus on Learning Principles and Practices
  • venue tba
15:35-16:30 Growth Mindset
  • Synapsis of the Parent Workshop on Growth Mindset

Please come and enjoy a Fruit Cup for Breakfast at ES office 8:15.

Future Dates
23 November, No school
27 November, ES Assembly 8:45-9:30

28 November, Assistant, LSAs and Substitute teachers PYP training