Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Playground Supervision Review Committee

Dear colleagues,

As the report cards will be done soon, it is time to look into the Playground Supervision. Although the ES action plan hasn't been fully designed for the next two years. Based on conversations and feedback received on the Action Plan, the playground supervision was clearly and area needing attention with timely fashion. Therefore, Heikki felt that there is a need to move on with this one swiftly. The overall goal is to achieve a shared understanding of the playground expectations for both supervising adults and of course for the students.
Heikki would like to invite a group of faculty members (3-5 people)representing ELAC, Grades 1-3 and 4-5 to create protocols for the following:

Expectations for student behavior on the playground during recesses
- Language
- Fair play/soccer
- Rough play
- Inclusive play
- etc.
Playground expectations for teacher supervision:
- Supervision Kit
- Supervision areas
- Accidents and emergencies
- Preventing conflicts
- Intervening conflicts
- Promoting student directed resolution models
- etc.
Expectations for using playground equipment
- Climbing area/equipment
- Sand and water areas
- football pitches
- borrowing toys and balls from the shed
- etc.
Suggested Process:
- Collecting areas of concerns regarding playground and recesses from faculty
- Creating a draft protocols for feedback
- Making a final decision on the protocols and implementation timeline
- Implementation
- This committee will be lead by Heikki

Please let Heikki know by Friday 29, January if you would like to join the committee.