Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Literacy Meetings (first 2 weeks of November)

Dear Colleagues,

Thank-you for your flexibility to continue the literacy work in your teams during the next few weeks.  The next 2 weeks have been allocated for reflection from the first reading unit and first writing unit.

You can access your unit documents through this link . I have added questions in red text on each unit to guide your conversations and reflections.  Please go ahead and write brief reflections/information directly on the document. Thank-you for getting this done.  These reflections and overview documents are important to ensure alignment (vertical and horizontal), yet still allow for flexibility to make daily choices for your particular students.

Please continue to visit/contact me with questions or requests for support for current literacy units and balanced literacy components. I am available some afternoons, but can meet before or after school most days. I enjoy getting updates on your units and supporting you with resources and feedback as requested.

Its been great catching up with many of you this week, and hope to hear more of your holiday stories before the week ends!
