Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Running Records and Spelling Inventory

KB- G5 teachers,
In order to best consider our community of readers, we ask that a formal running record be taken and recorded by the end of February for any student reading at or below the grade level benchmarks. You may want to use data collected in January to inform report writing. You are not required to record data for students reading above these benchmarks, but feel free to do so. The following chart can be used as a reference:  
KB -      PM level 4        F&P level C/D
1st -      PM level 12       F&P level G
2nd -     PM level 20       F&P level K
3rd -      PM level 24       F&P level O
4th -      PM level 27       F&P level R
5th -      PM level 29       F&P level T

Data from running records is collected 3x per year (Sept, Feb, May -option of Nov for KB) Although we will be transitioning to the Fountas and Pinnell system,  we will continue with the PM Benchmark system until we can provide training.

**If you would like a refresher on any aspects of collecting and recording this data, please send Kim a quick message and she will arrange to meet with you.

Please familiarize yourself with the documents in the Running Record shared folder including the CA Protocol for Running Records. Please collect Yellow the records for your class in the green binder.

Please also ensure all running record data is put into the Running Record spreadsheet  by the end of February.   **Some classes do not have the fall data. Please ensure this is up to date.

Spelling Inventory

It is also time for the mid-year spelling inventory for every student in grade 1-grade 5  (Words Their Way spelling inventory 3 x year (in line with running record timing Sept, Feb, May). This data can be also used for report writing and the regroup students. Please input this data on the same spreadsheet as Running Records.
(Stages are: Emergent (EM), Letter Name- Alphabetic (LN-A), Within Word (WW), Syllables and Affixes (SA), and Derivational Relations (DR)

Thank-you so very much! Let me (Kim) know if you need support with any of this.