Sunday, January 26, 2020

Elementary School - Coronavirus message to Faculty

Dear colleagues,
I am writing to you after the leadership team meeting we held this afternoon about paying attention to preventive measures regarding the coronavirus that is causing health concerns in China and slowly in the rest of the world. We are closely monitoring the situation and particularly how the virus may be spreading globally. Some parents have approached us with concerns related to family members or students traveling to and from China. We are providing on-going information to the CA community about the situation and measures taken or considered by the school.

As you know we are a transient community with many families traveling globally and to and from China frequently. Furthermore, Chinese New Year is a particularly busy time of year for travel. Hence, we need to be taking some additional measures to keep everyone calm and safe. It is important that we inform, guide, and supervise the students about normal hygiene expectations with particular emphasis on the following:

- washing hands frequently, particularly when transitioning to/from recesses and specialists as well as before/after eating a snack or lunch
- covering face when coughing or sneezing
- not sharing food or drinks with others
- keeping hands from touching mouth, nose or ears (good luck in the PreK/KA and KB)
- keeping hands to oneself when lining-up or attending class meetings

The cleaning staff will do extra careful cleaning of door nobs and tables during at least the next two weeks and we will place additional hand sanitizers to central places on the campus for the community perusal. Additionally, the Cezars staff will be attending to regular temperature/health checks at the Health Office.

We are also in touch with families who have recently traveled to/from China to ensure that it is safe for them to join the school.

Finally, all students, faculty, and staff are asked to continue to check-in at the Health Office after being sick to avoid spreading any viruses or illnesses.

As I mentioned above, we will monitor the situation daily basis and inform you should there be a need for further actions.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding