Sunday, August 23, 2020

Weekly Updates, Monday 23 August, 2020


Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the first full week. Once again, we would like to congratulate you all on making the first couple of days of school run smoothly and making learning meaningful in class. What struck us at one point, was that we haven’t really had school in operation for over six months. We may be experiencing a certain level of shock to our system and mind, which is truly understandable. I was able to drop into a few classes during the virtual listening conferences and observed very professional, warm, and positive relationship building. This week starts with day 3 and on Wednesday we will look ahead to plan for Extended Learning and our virtual BTSN.

By the way, the duty roster is still under review and will be announced this week. Hence, we need some help with everyone until further notice.

After receiving many great ideas and questions for clarification, we felt that we could try out many of the suggestions and clarify some practices starting tomorrow, Monday 24 August onwards.

New practices:

  1. Trying the ELAC MPR for snacks and lunch and two additional tables will be placed in the room.

  2. Gr 1 - 5 Switching snack and recess

    1. 10:15 Snack- supervised by classroom teachers

    2. 10:30 Recess supervised by faculty on duty

  3. Gr 4 will use the west side door for entering the building after recesses and utilize the hand sanitizer at the door.

  4. Lunch/snack containers are left in the grade level baskets by Gr 3, 4, and 5 to avoid going upstairs before recesses. Grades 1 and 2 will maintain their current practice, i.e. bringing their lunch boxes to their bags/classroom

  5. Shoe relief - it is not compulsory for students to change shoes, however, students must have appropriate shoes for PE, and students should be allowed to change shoes if they wish so. Students must have clean shoes when entering classrooms/learning spaces.


  1. Water bottles must be with students at all times as the water fountains can be only used for filling up bottles.

  2. Both teachers and students must wear masks at all times particularly when moving in the cafeteria and when entering the building from recesses. Naturally, when eating and drinking masks can be removed.

  3. Everyone must use hand sanitizers at entry and exit learning spaces, and the playground. Using the hand sanitizers during the lessons/playtime is optional and with teacher discretion.

  4. It has been great to have plenty of extra hands in the mornings, we would imagine that gradually, this week, we can move to the original plan:

    1. Nurse: for Entry Card (blue card) and follow-up temperature checks at each of the entrances

    2. LSI/LSA checking thermometer camera at each of the entrances

    3. ES Leadership Team member at each of the entrances 

  5. Students who do not have the Entry Card (blue card), maybe late for class. They will have to wait until 8:30 when the nurse can check their temperature and then make a phone call to a parent to go through the information questioned on the Entry Card.

For later consideration we are looking for further data and guidance:

Grade 5 entry after lunch - depending on the cleaning staff’s schedule

Teaching with mask and giving brief instructions (like phonetic sounds) without a mask (i.e. protected by the acrylic divider and keeping distance)

How to systematically sanitize and recycle material to prevent spreading virus via material

Let’s have a great week!

Riana, Trevor, and Heikki



10:15 - 10:30





Duty Area

(*Rainy day area)



Soccer fields

(In classrooms)







Soccer fields






Soccer fields



(In classrooms)

Note: Shed kept 






(Classroom teachers and all others available are invited to support)





Celia / Julia

Kae / Enoch

Rose / Seth




Classroom teachers

(others available are invited to support)

This Week's Schedule:                                                                                                 Master Schedule 20-21




Mon 17 Aug

Day 3

KA and KB Full days begin

12:30 PreK Early dismissal

13:30-15:20 ES Leadership Mtg

Tues 18

Day 4

12:30 PreK Early dismissal

13:30-14:10 ES Leadership Mtg

Wed 19

Day 5

12:30 PreK Early dismissal

Wednesday Learning:

14:40-16:30 Thinking ahead of the Virtual BTSN and Planning for Extended Learning #1

Thu 20

Day 6

12:30 PreK Early dismissal

Fri 21

Day 7

12:30 PreK Early dismissal

13:00-16:00 G1-5 Listening Conferences

- Schedule & Procedures

Professional Learning

Please note that in order to qualify for Professional Development, you must always apply through the CA PD

 application form found on KissFlow. Applications must be submitted no later than 10 days before the registration deadline. For further information on 'How to apply for PD - click here'.

N.B. All PD information posted on Blogger is by default 'Personal PD' unless otherwise noted.

Future Dates:

Tues Mng Mtg

Sept 1 Thurs 7:50-8:20


Sept 3 Thurs 18:00-20:00

Parent Coffee

Sept 9 Wed 8:40-10:00

Respect for Aged Holiday

Sept 24 Monday

CA Sports Day

Oct 12 Monday

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sept 22 Thursday Half-day

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sept 23 Friday

Fall Break

Oct 24-Nov1

PD Days

Nov 2-3 Monday and Tuesday

Wednesday Learning:

2 September 

BTSN prep, Zoom practice

9 September