Thursday, August 31, 2017

Early Years Math with Juanita Copley

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to join the Juanita Copley conceptual math workshop on Sunday Sept. 24. This workshop is targeted for PreK-G2 teachers but would benefit anyone who is interested in learning how the foundations of math learning are built from an early age. The concept of learning trajectories is also of significant value. Juanita's research and practice connects strongly to our CA 'Math Learning Principles' and will support our use of Bridges as a resource.

Here is the workshop agenda:

Young children love mathematics!  Participants in this workshop will:

  • identify and interact with number concepts (counting, comparing, and operating), geometry concepts (shapes and position) and measurement concepts with play-based activities ,
  • match developmental learning paths with concepts,
  • observe children in classroom settings (preK, kindergarten, first and second grade), both in video-clips  
  • discuss formative assessments and their use in early childhood classrooms, and
  • explore the use of manipulatives and games to enhance mathematical learning in their classrooms

The workshop is free for CA teachers and assistants. Please sign-up using this form so we can plan the food and the number of spaces. Prek-G2 teachers, assistant teachers and learning support teachers are particularly encouraged to join.

**She will be staying at CA from Monday to Wednesday to share her practice through labsites and her research in follow-up meeting later.