Tuesday, September 4, 2018

After Typhoon School day and Back to School Night 5th September

Dear colleagues,

We hope you are all safe and sound after the typhoon. The wind gusts were quite strong and the typhoon brought up water on Rokko Island a lot. The overall damage in the area is difficult to know as of now. However, we are looking forward to returning back to the normal as soon as possible and resume the school year as planned. Tomorrow will be a slightly different schedule as we start at 10:30 and finish 3:25. Teachers are expected to arrive by 9 am.

There are some damages at the school but nothing too serious. Grade 4 S class had the most damage as one of the windows was blown in by the typhoon. Hence, Karen will be teaching in the S301 class tomorrow. Please, do not allow students to go to the room as there may still be pieces of glass on the carpet.

Tomorrow Wednesday
Please open the Schedule link and follow the tab called After Typhoon Schedule.

Back to School Night
As the BTSN schedule always creates a few questions about who goes first and who can leave first and what is equitable etc., we have changed the protocol. Furthermore, we wanted to create the schedule based on sibling-distribution to provide the best possible service to the families. Therefore, we have decided that we can demonstrate solidarity and unity by all leaving at the same time at 8:10. Naturally, if you have any typhoon-related urgencies to attend please come and talk to me in advance.

The back to school night starts with Jon Schatzky's welcome. Then Heikki will introduce Celia, Kae, Yoshiko, Trevor, and Kim. If you would like to address the parents within one minute to explain what you do, let Heikki know by lunchtime. Otherwise, he will do the introductions. Finally, Heikki will share the program for the night as well as the information booths that are available in the Atrium during the evening. So far we have confirmed info booths for Tech Support, Library, Activities, Health Office, and the PTA.
BTSN Schedule

We look forward to seeing you all back in school tomorrow.

Kim, Trevor, and Heikki