Saturday, March 28, 2020

Weekly Updates, Monday, 30 March, 2020

Coronavirus: 5 ways to work from home with your kids (and stay ...
Dear colleagues,
We hope that you have been able to relax and rejuvenate during this break despite all the news that has taken over
the whole world in the past few weeks. As much as these daily evolving and mainly unpredictable events are
keeping our minds occupied, it is such a great privilege that we can return to work and help the young minds to
focus on something else and continue their learning. Perhaps, this gives us all an opportunity to focus on something
else for a change.
We are very lucky to have our community here when many of us have family and friends far away.
Let's make sure that we keep on supporting each other and stay optimistic about this being over some point soon.
As you know, this week, we will continue with distance learning and staying hopeful that the resuming of school
will happen in the near future. At the same time, we are going to be looking at how we might increase contact time
with students and try some online live teaching as well. As we are desperately trying to keep an eye on two moving
goal posts: continuing distance learning and opening of the campus, we do recognize that the unpredictability and
constantly changing landscape regarding the COVID-19 means that we as a faculty have to meet more often than
usual. We are aware that it does interfere with the precious collaborative planning time. Hence, we have
provisionally placed the ES meeting times in the afternoons for your perusal. Thank you in advance for your
understanding and planning around those meetings.
Below, you can find the schedule for this week. However, given how unpredictable the situation is, changes will
probably apply. Please, make sure that you use the links below to schedule your daily meetings online or on-campus
so that Trevor, Riana, and Heikki can participate or find you as needed. Also, schedule your online sessions in
collaboration between different grade levels to avoid family challenges.
Again, we cannot emphasize enough of this, please practice social distancing, employ rigorous hygiene habits, and
exercise careful monitoring of your wellbeing. If you have even mild symptoms of illness, please, stay at home and
connect with your colleagues online. We look forward to seeing you either online or at the campus.
Riana, Trevor, and Heikki

Mon 30
11:00 am All Faculty - Zoom Meeting
Planning and Preparation and feedback
Planning and Preparation and feedback
14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Zoom Meeting
Tues 31
GoogleMeet - live check-in sessions
with classroom teachers /
Planning and preparation
GoogleMeet - live check-in sessions
with classroom teachers /
Planning and preparation
Wed 1
Planning and Preparation and feedback
Planning and Preparation and feedback
14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Zoom Meeting
Thu 2
GoogleMeet/Zoom live online
Teaching Sessions / Planning and preparation
GoogleMeet/Zoom live online Teaching 
Sessions / Planning and preparation
Fri 3
Planning and Preparation and feedback
Planning and Preparation and feedback
14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Meeting 

Live Session Meeting Schedule to avoid family clashes.
Team Meeting Schedules

ES Faculty Meeting focus:
Monday 30 April 14:00 - 15:00
  1. Grounding back to work
  2. Review of our Journey of Distance Learning
  3. Anticipating online live teaching
Wednesday 1 April
  1. Updates regarding campus closure
  2. Sharing online live teaching plans for Thursday
Friday 3 April

  1. Updates and Planning for the following week