Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weekly Updates, Monday 6 April, 2020

Dear colleagues,
We hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend and had an opportunity to stay away from screens. We would like to
thank you for all the feedback and suggestions you are planning to try out during the live teaching sessions this
week. This week we continue our quality distance learning and designing daily learning sessions. What makes this
somewhat challenging is that we are simultaneously living in the present and looking ahead to the unpredictable
future. We plan to continue this emergency model for a longer period of time and adding live teaching as the final
component of the program.
On Tuesday and Thursday, this week, all classroom teachers will have further opportunities to try out, hone, and
build expertise in live teaching. Finally, on Friday we are hoping to have the hybrid model of asynchronous and
synchronous teaching and learning finalized and it to be gradually implemented in the following weeks. This is of
course in case of not opening the school on the 13th.
We would like to ask you to continue to invite all three, Riana, Trevor and Heikki, to your daily collaborative
planning meetings by using Google Calendar invites. No need to add the meetings to the additional google
document anymore. We try to visit as many of the meetings as possible in order to keep our fingers on the pulse
regarding distance learning as well as your workload and wellbeing. Please follow this link to the provisional
proposal of the hybrid model for distance learning. We will need your feedback and suggestions regarding the
model in our Wednesday meeting.
Have a great week!
Riana, Trevor, and Heikki

Meet/Live Learning schedule April 7&9 - record on this doc to avoid sibling clashes.

6 April

7 April
GoogleMeet/Zoom live online
Teaching Sessions /
Planning and preparation
GoogleMeet/Zoom live online Teaching 
Sessions / Planning and preparation

14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Zoom Meeting
Reflecting and contributing to the
suggested hybrid model based on
experiences from Tuesday live sessions
9 April
GoogleMeet/Zoom live online
Teaching Sessions / Planning and preparation
GoogleMeet/Zoom live online Teaching 
Sessions / Planning and preparation
10 April

(14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Meeting -
Confirm Live teaching parameters,
roles, and implementation schedule
Planning for the following week