Sunday, May 31, 2020

Last Four Days of School - Please, read carefully

Happy Mother's Day Wishes from Rona K Corp - Rona K Corp
  NO HUGS                 NO  KISSES 

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the protocol regarding the last few days of school.

1. Students
Students in each grade level will be assigned a date, and a time slot (approx 20 mins) to enter their
homeroom and collect all their personal belongings including their emergency package placed in a
paper bag(s), drop-off their loaner laptop if applicable, and quickly say goodbye and wish happy
holidays to their classroom teacher, TA, and LSAs.

We will limit the number of students in each classroom level at the time (4-6 students per classroom in
Grades 1- 5, one student, and parent at a time in PreK/KA and KB). All students are asked to wear
masks when entering the school buildings. Please, note that we will ask students to place the items they
are returning into a separate plastic/paper bag from home for quarantine.
Please note: Returning students are not bringing their library books to school until August.

2. Students’ Visiting Dates
Grades 1 - 3 Morning of Thursday 11 June
Grades 4 - 5 Morning of Friday 12 June
PreK/KA and KB morning of Monday 15 June
A more detailed schedule with student names will be provided soon.

3. Teachers, Assistants, and LSAs
All teachers, assistants, and LSAs are asked to come to the campus prior to and during the student visits.
Dates and times will be confirmed soon. On the 11th, 12th, and 15th of June, the temperatures of faculty
will be checked as we enter the school building. All faculty and staff are asked to wear masks at all times,
maintain social distance, and maintain hygiene protocols including washing hands, keeping the doors open
to avoid touching the door handles, etc.

Prior to the visiting days (teachers can plan the dates and times as they see best), we will collect and
place all student material (notebooks, folders, artwork) and their personal belongings (if known) in a paper
bag and in a designated place in the classroom.

- Specialists will bring and organize the subject-specific learning material in the homeroom.
- Additionally, teachers are asked to organize a designated place in the classroom where they can
will drop-off their loaner laptops and sign-off. The laptop will need to be placed in a plastic bag.
- Classroom teachers and LSAs are asked to be in their designated classrooms during the visits.
- Specialists are asked to support the flow of the students’ movement through the building as
explained below.

4. Movement and social distancing
- In the main building, students will enter through the sliding doors next to the Health Office and exit
through the sliding door facing the ELAC building. This is to avoid cross traffic in the building.
- Routes will be signed and specialist teachers will be guiding (as well as waving goodbye) the
students through the corridors to maintain safe distances and to follow the protocol. 
- PreK/KA and KB students will enter the ELAC building along the corridor that is divided for entering
and exiting traffic by cones and ropes.

5. Parents
- For grades 1 - 5, only students are allowed on campus
- Parents are asked to wait outside, preferably in their cars to maintain social/physical distance. 
- PreK/KA and KB students are allowed to bring one parent to the ELAC corridor.
- If parents are not able to organize the visit to the school on the designated day and time, the
student's equipment will be kept at school until the start of school in August.

6. Other areas at school
Playgrounds, cafeteria, Atrium, Library, and other public areas will be closed. Construction work is taking
place in the Library, Third floor - Secondary School, and in the General Admin sections. Offices will not be
open to parents or students.

7. Report Cards and Certificates for Leaving Students
- Report Cards will be open to parents on the 16th of June.
- Remi-san will prepare hard copies of the documentation for parents to be picked up from the Reception
or mailed home from 17th June onwards.

8. Detailed plan with dates and time
A more detailed plan with dates, times, and sign-up sheets will be shared with faculty in the near future.

9. Special cases
- Families with multiple children may choose to come to campus multiple times or choose a time
slot(s) for one of the children to collect all the materials. In those cases, we will ask families to
contact Remi-san so we can organize the personal belongings in one classroom. 
- Families leaving before the school ends will contact Remi-san and we will organize their drop-off
and pick-up at the reception.
- No show. If a returning family does not show up for the pick-up, we will keep their materials in
plastic bags with a name tag until August.