Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Next Elementary School Assembly, 1st of October

This is an invitation for announcements and performances in the next ES Assembly on the 1st of October at 11:15-12:00.

We are looking for the following:
- MCs (Leadership Club? or other students who can step into the role)
- Sharing of student learning: (Students sharing their thought processes, questions, reflections etc. Also could be video or Photos?)
- Birthday video: - confirmed, Yoshiko-san
- Musical, art, dramatic or dance, exhibition/performances:
- Message from the Principal - confirmed (Observations from student learning, use of cafeteria, playground and library, rainy day recesses, good manners etc)
- Smart Start - announcement or little GoNoodle?
- Any announcements (from faculty or students):

Please, let Heikki or Yuko-san know, who would like to perform and we will organize a small audition and practice session before the assembly.