Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Update Sept 14th

Dear colleagues,
Thank you for your commitment and hard work the past week. We would like to say special thank you to everyone who supervised and supported the supervision of the indoor recesses on those rainy days. It can be difficult for students to let the steam out appropriately without having access to the playground. Let's hope we have a sunny week ahead of us. Let's have a great week!

Playground Supervision
12:15-12:40 Cafeteria
12:25-12:55 Playground
12:25-12:55 Playground

MAPS testing (grades 3,4,5)
Sept 14-16
Sept 17-18 catch-up dates

Wednesday PD, Collaboration and Meeting Schedule
The School-Wide Leadership Team has worked on the Wednesday meeting schedule. The focus of the work has been to divide the time between items related to the school's operational plan, section wide needs and collaborative planning. As you will notice, we haven't mapped out all the meetings after Winter Holiday. This is to give time for Kim, Trevor and Heikki to work together with the faculty and decide how to use the time effectively in the spring.
Please, find the schedule for Wednesday meetings here and in the blogger sidebar for your future reference.

Coordinators meetings
Literacy meetings will continue as per ES Team Planning Meeting schedule. Trevor will be away until Friday.

In and around the school this week:
Monday, Sept 14th- Tech Talk
Tuesday, Sept 15- Book-club Launch
Thursday, Sept 17- Orientation to Reading/Writing workshop (for anyone new to workshop)

Future Dates:
21 September: No school
23 September: Parent Coffee: Introduction Growth Mindset + Q&A
12-13 October: Sports Day
16 October: Running Record Data (K-5)
16-17 October: ES Drama Production
19 October: Progress Reports