Friday, September 11, 2015

Wednesday PD Evaluation Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to say a big thank you for your time, thinking and ideas at Wednesday's PD Meeting. Here is a link to the presentation. Here is the link to the PYP Action Plan doc that we reviewed. We have read the feedback and responded to the comments.

Thank you as well to all those who have begun entering their qualifications and sending their class timetables. Please send the information by next Friday. 

Evaluation To-do List

1. Purposeful Displays
- in-class: relevant
- hallways: connected Make sure to put how it connects to student learning.

2. Send in Class Weekly Schedules/Timetables
3. Visit Schedule: Trevor will contact everyone to confirm a time.

4. Sharing units: Choose a current unit - UOI#1 or #2 ie. easiest to talk about

5. Personal info - Chart 2 Staff training & Qualifications

6. Display your class Essential Agreements

Here are the Learner Profile and Attitude connections that we brainstormed for the Evaluation. We will revisit these at our last information session on Tuesday Nov 3 morning meeting before the visit on Nov. 9, 10 and 11.

Inquirers: commitment and creativity
Balanced: confidence
Communicators: cooperation and empathy
Thinkers: creativity, commitment, confidence (students)