Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Pineapple Welcome!

A Pineapple Welcome!

As part of Pia's visit, many have commented on the benefits of sharing teaching practice with colleagues.  Let's keep the momentum going! Literacy leaders (as part of their role) have agreed to open their doors to their colleagues to share a few ideas and instructional moves for literacy.  These are informal opportunities with no formal conferences or write-ups required (aka Inspiration Safari).  Come and stay for as little or as long as you wish....

Learn more about Pineapple PD here 

**Please put the following dates and times in your calendar and contact Trevor or Kim ASAP if you wish to have your class covered to allow you to attend. 

Thursday March 8th: Grade 3 (S206)
1:00pm Reader's Workshop: UOS Character Studies
Focus: Mini Lesson: Consider plot line/story arc how a character reacts to problems can tell us about their traits.
Monday March 12th: Grade 3 (S206)

 10:30 am: Writer's Workshop: UOS Literary Essay
 Focus Mini lesson: Writers look for the big ideas or important issues when reading books. They gather evidence to support their opinion.

Wed March 14th: Grade 2 (S106)
 10:30 am: Reading Workshop: UOS #4 Information Reading 
Focus: Using small groups during reading workshop (Mini lesson to be decided)