Sunday, March 18, 2018

Order Protocols and ES Budgets for teaching materials and books

Dear colleagues,

It is time to work on purchasing supplies/books for the 2018-19 school year. Below you can find some general explanations as well as detailed steps for making orders. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Remi-san, Heikki or Sachiko-san about the orders

Grade level and subject area budgets include funds for teaching material, consumables, and books.
It is recommended to use up to 60% of total grade level budgets for the orders in question. See the budgets below.

Overseas orders
Overseas orders should include teaching material and consumables that cannot be found in Japan. Please note that after adding tax and shipping the cost of overseas material is about twice (x1.8) compared to the list prices. Overseas orders are also time sensitive, so it is important to follow the timeline. Before the orders can leave, they need to be shared with and approved by Heikki.

Local orders
Local orders include consumables and teaching material available in Japan. These orders can be done throughout the school year. However, it is important that every classroom has a sufficient amount of consumables for the beginning of the year.  The point person for local orders is Remi-san, who will receive your orders and get Heikki's approval against each budget.

Book orders
We have been able to establish a good classroom library through the book orders already.
There will be some needs to continue to build the stacks and to ensure that all genres and units of study have sufficient resources. For book orders, we recommend Baker & Taylor for lower cost (longer delivery time, though) and, of course, Amazon. Please consult Kim for further information.

Important dates and steps to follow:
Overseas orders (FBC) to Heikki and Remi-san by Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Book orders to Heikki (via Remi-san) by Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Local orders for the beginning of the new school year to Remi-san between April 19 and May 25, 2018

Material and supplies that are not available in Japan are usually ordered via the Foreign
Buyers Club (FBC) and they have only one surface freight in a month. Please note that if we miss the July freight, your material will arrive in mid-August.

Please, find the excel forms attached to an additional email from Sachiko-san including
FBC Form and book order form
The catalogs are already available in the ELAC lounge and ES office.

Further procedures for placing overseas orders for the 2018-19 school year:
A)  Ordering less than 5 items per supplier:
please use the CA Purchase Order form in Final Site as usual.

B) Ordering more than 5 items per supplier:
1. Open the Purchase Order request form template (See Sachiko's email)
2. Place orders by the company and also by categories (of textbooks or
 supplies/materials). Please use the correct form either for materials/supplies or for books.
 This template calculates the total amount of your PO request at the bottom
3. Go to CA Purchase Order (PO) form in Final site and give the supplier name and the total
 It is an important step for a budget control system.
 In the description, please mention "see attached" and submit it to the Principal.
4. Please send the original PO which was saved for your reference to
 Heikki, Remi, and Sachiko-san

a. Please try to use as few companies as necessary to save on handling & shipping charges.
b. It is recommended that materials/supplies not be ordered from the UK or other countries. Unfortunately, final costs become triple as much of the list price due to high customs clearance/shipping charges so your budget wouldn't go as far.
c. The average rate of total expenses including shipping/handling charge for overseas orders is:
    1.40 for materials/supplies from FBC (by boat)
    1.15 - 1.30 for books

For further information please contact Sachiko Takihara at the reception as she is the CA Overseas Purchasing Agent.

Finally, below you can find the grade level budgets for 2018-2019. These budgets do not include field trips or technology. Grade 2* budget anticipates the possible opening of the 3rd section. However, this will be decided later in the year as the enrollment development is a bit clearer. If you have any questions about the budgets, please contact Heikki.


Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Learning Support