Monday, April 15, 2019

Professional Development 2019-2020

As an initial step to preparing for the next academic year, the Curriculum Leadership Team would like to open applications for Personal PD and early consideration for Faculty PD conference options.

While we have not specifically identified our operational goals for next year, much of our self-study has identified areas that we may want to develop and nurture. Consider areas specific to your grade-level, team or department when you consider Tankyuu-related pursuits. Topics that have risen to the top of conversation include curriculum development, teaching and learning practices, wellbeing, and community-building/inclusion.


Personal PD includes:
  • Subsidy for continuing education, such as advanced degrees, extension courses, or online workshops
  • Tankyu-related courses
  • Subsidy for Conferences or workshops

Possible Personal PD for Tankyuu or Personal Pursuit
  • - Online Courses - This 6-lesson, blended learning courses (click to see description of courses) support you through clear, succinct learning episodes with opportunities to trail and reflect on your own practice. Courses are worth up to 20 hours of professional learning if you are required to track your hours. Group participation is strongly encouraged. There are 143 courses available, please let me know if you would like to discuss options. These courses can be taken at any time, they are self-paced.
  • Harvard Project Zero - There are four courses that are of particular interest moving forward: Creating cultures of thinking, Making Learning Visible, Teaching for Understanding, Visible Thinking. These courses require group participation (groups of 3-6) and run from September 16- December 15, 2019. These courses have consistently received excellent feedback from participating teams.
  • Online IB Courses - IB online courses are an option for teams to learn together. There are sessions in October, Nov-Dec, and Spring (not yet published, generally Feb and May)
  • Other online options include (this is not an exclusive list):

Deadlines for Personal PD Applications:
  • Thursday, May 9 - Ongoing Professional Learning Personal PD Subsidy for SY19-20 - for coursework completed this summer or at any projected time next school year
  • Friday, May 17 - Harvard Project Zero - All members of the team should submit individual applications; identify full team in “COMMENTS” field
  • Monday, Sept 30 - Other Tankyu-related subsidies - This should allow time for teams to consider their inquiries
  • Process: Submit through KISSFLOW with an accurate estimate of cost (Maximum subsidy is ¥100,000 per person total per year)

Faculty PD - Conferences CA plans to attend:
  1. EARCOS ELC2019 in Malaysia; October 2019
  2. EARCOS ETC2020 in Bangkok; March 2020
  3. Learning 2.0 October 2019, Nanjing (Presenter Proposals open with registration)
  4. IBAP2020 Bangkok (Presenter Proposals open in October)
  5. SENIA (Feb/March - exact date and location TBD)
  6. 21CLI: GELS conference, Hong Kong, March 2020
Deadline: Thursday, May 9
Deadline for Early Consideration for any of the above Conferences. Submit through KISSFLOW as per normal applications with an approximate cost estimate (most travel outside of Japan ranges from ¥200,000 to ¥2500,000 depending on the cost of the location and registration fee). If additional spots are available we will re-open applications next fall.
CA Ambassadors
CA Ambassadors are staff members that represent CA in a range of professional capacities, including presenting at conferences or workshops, becoming an IB Educator, or serving as a representative for one of our organizational networks.
If you are interested in exploring one of these roles, please submit this survey for consideration. At this stage, you are not committed to presenting but simply letting us know of your interest.
Note: CA aims to support a range of presenters and CA Ambassadors. To promote fairness and transparency, please share your plans well in advance so that they can be considered by the leadership team as part of Faculty PD planning. For any further information please consult Renee.