Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Slideshow Briefing #2

Dear Colleagues,

We appreciate your effort and dedication to preparing yourselves and your classrooms to welcome new and returning students and their families tomorrow! The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time for all of us and can feel a little overwhelming. Remember to look after yourselves and embrace the crazy.

Thank you for the professional dialogues this week both in our ES meetings and in your team meetings. Our New Family Orientation was a success by all accounts, thank you for welcoming our new families and making them feel at ease.

Our minds now move forward to tomorrow and the coming days with our Whole School Assembly, Learning Conferences and Specialist Rotations.

Let's have a wonderful first two days!

Trevor, Riana & Heikki

Thursday (Day 1) - Whole School Assembly ELAC gym, 8:45am start
Thursday (Day 1) - Listening Conferences for PreK-KB 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday (Day 2) - Listening Conferences PreK - G5 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday (Day 2) - Specialist Rotations 1:00pm - 3:25pm

Here are the slides from this morning's briefing...

Briefing #2 Wednesday