Sunday, April 12, 2020

Weekly Updates, Monday 13 April, 2020

Online learning can prepare students for a fast-changing future ...

Dear colleagues,
Welcome to week 6 of distance learning! We hope you had an opportunity to stay away from screens and get some
fresh air before the rain, wind, and cold spell on Sunday. This week we will launch the new model with a
combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. We recognize that it will take effort, time, and adjustment
to make it all run smoothly and that there may be a need for small tweaks along the way. We appreciate your
patience and flexibility as we believe it will increase student engagement and accountability as well as reduces
the teachers’ time spent on writing feedback. Please note that we are still refraining using Zoom with the students
as we want to make sure that the privacy challenges flagged around Zoom are solved.
On Wednesday Heikki will meet with parents online during Virtual Parent Coffee and in the afternoon we will get
together as a faculty from 14:00 to 15:00. In our meeting, we will share some of our online teaching experiences,
discuss the opportunity for online Assembly, and share observations from parent coffee.
Keep up the positive spirit and spread it around with your colleagues and students whenever you can.
Let’s have a great week!
Riana, Trevor, and Heikki

13 April
8:30 Principals’ Meeting
14:00 Leadership Team Meeting
14 April

15 April
9:00 ES Parent Coffee PreK/KA - Gr 2
10:00 ES Parent Coffee Gr 3 - 5
14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Zoom Meeting
16 April

17 April

Here are some of the previous meeting slides and a Padlet:
Friday 13 March 