Sunday, April 19, 2020

Weekly Updates, Monday 20 April, 2020

6 ways to make virtual meetings more efficient - Intcomex Cloud
Dear colleagues, 
Week seven it is! We hope you have been able to find a less congested slot on the somewhat crowded
greenbelt, public parks, or trekking paths to enjoy outside life. Congratulations on the grade 5 team for
the successful parent session on PYPx on Friday. We are looking forward to experiencing a virtual PYP
Exhibition later in May.
 We continue to be impressed with the quality of learning our students are engaged with every single day
and the professional determination shown by all faculty. We enjoy participating in your collaborative
planning sessions as it helps us to fully understand the process of designing of learning as well as support
the collaborative processes whenever we can. We will get through this eventually.

Thank you to all who already offered virtual socializing opportunities. We will continue to do so this week as well. Stay tuned.

Please note that specialists put together an initial slide where their check-in sessions are listed with times
and links to GoogleMeet. We were inspired by that schedule and Trevor designed a slide that would help
the parents to see the days when live sessions and check-ins are on. If you find it helpful, go ahead and
use it. If you have come up with a different way of communicating with parents about your sessions,
then just add the specialist slide alone. Check the schedule slides here.
This week we will meet on Wednesday at 2 pm. On the agenda, we are looking ahead to explore the
teaching teams for school year 20-21, guidelines for orders among other few things. 
Let’s have a smooth running and inspiring week!
Riana, Trevor, and Heikki

20 April
10:00 ES Leadership Team Meeting
14:00 Leadership Team Meeting
21 April

22 April

14:00 - 15:00 ES Faculty Zoom Meeting

23 April

24 April