Wednesday, September 13, 2017

ES Parent Coffee Wed 13 September, 2017

Student Support Services in the Elementary School

Saiko, Rose, Yoshiko, Derrick and Joe gave wonderful interactive presentations to parents about Student Support Services at CA and explained how the services benefit all students.

Joe: "The four levels of services give you an overview how we support all students at CA."
Derrick: "Those little brains are busy all the time with ongoing sensory input, and here at school, we are asking them to focus on tasks at hand. We can help them with tools and strategies to shut down some of that overload and continue learning."

Rose: "In case of learning concern, we apply a thorough process of evaluating student needs and deciding upon level of support services, action plan, or individual educational plan. We make sure that parents are always aware of every step and contributing members of the process."

Saiko: "Co-teaching happens in many forms and groupings in the class. If you were to walk in the classroom you wouldn't necessary know who is the classroom teacher and who is the EAL teacher."

Yoshiko: "Parenting sessions are part of counseling services and provide great opportunities to share challenges and successes as a parent with other parents and learn new strategies."

Please check the slides by following the link below.