Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Looking for faculty members for Leadership Roles in the Elementary School

Taking a leadership role is an excellent opportunity to grow, learn, and build your expertise in different areas at school. All you need is a willingness to learn, foundational knowledge, enthusiasm, and you enjoy collaborating with your colleagues to be successful in the role. We are still looking for ES faculty members for the following stipended leadership positions for the school year 2017-2018:

Grades Pre-K - Gr 2 Balanced Literacy Leader: A classroom teacher interested in exploring, trying out, and sharing experiences of integrating and implementing workshop model and learning language. Co-leading the conversation and professional learning with the Learning Leader how to effectively implement literacy components and curriculum standards within our CA framework. Stipend 100, 000 JPY.

Elementary School Student Voice and Leadership Leader (Student Council): An elementary school teacher who is interested in leading the review of structures and opportunities for increasing ES students' voice in the school. This position includes regular meetings with a group of student leaders, planning events, possible fundraisers, seeking opportunities for presenting student ideas, and collaboration with the ES counselor and Principal. This position can be split between two teachers. Stipend 200, 000 JPY/leader or 100, 000 JPY leader (if two leaders).

How to apply:
Please email to Heikki as soon as possible, if you are interested in any of the positions above.
For further information about the roles, please contact the following people:
Math Leader: Kim Conlin and/or Trevor Rehel
Balanced Literacy Leader: Kim Conlin and/or Trevor Rehel
Student Voice and Leadership: Heikki or Jen White
So far we have:
ES Drama leaders: Toyoko Miller and Rose Yee
ES Student Council leader: Jen White, needing a co-leader
PreK/KA - Gr 2 Math leader: Ellen Lowery
Gr 3 - 5 Math leader: Jeff Booth
Gr 3 -5 Literacy leader: Karen Terry